Tony often says "I make it look too easy". He used to say that in the context of the computer systems he designed for his Fortune 100 clients In those days he was the president of
TLC Systems Corporation. He still does some consulting work for TLC Systems but his main focus is his art and
Techno-impressionism. Once he was asked to do something and he came back in an hour and said it was done. They didn't believe him. How could have possibly done the task so quickly? How? He is a very good designer and he is very skilled technically.
Tony's art really showcases for his vision and imagination. The images on this post illustrate my point.
The first image was made from this picture. It is a great example of
Tony Karp's vision and imagination. Some may it is easy to do this but it is not.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp