Musings of a MuseOur ability to live on this planet is linked to the environment, ever more linked to global climate change and has to be our number one priority. Power, corruption, politics, prosperity, jobs, education, health care become sort of meaningless if we destroy the environment and create a future for our children and grandchildren that means they can't live on this planet.
You might be thinking this woman is crazy, but I am not. If you open your eyes, your mind, if you read about the weather, if you read the science, if you live in a place like I do where you can see nature up close you know something is happening.
Recently scientists changed the forecast for how high the sea level will rise do the arctic ice melting. The story I read made it seem like they changed their minds and everything was okay. What they really said is that it is not as bad as we thought, but THE SEA LEVEL RISING 10 FEET will be a problem for places like New York. Perhaps we've all lost our minds. I don't think so. I think the forces of what I will call evil don't want you to think. They want to program you into feeling it is okay. It is not. Don't bury your head in the sand.
Yes I am outspoken and proud of it. I do this for my granddaughter. I want to ensure she has a bright future and a wonderful world to live in. I am only one tiny, tiny voice, but if I make at least a few of you think, a few of you take some action to help the environment, a few of you realize we do have a problem them I will have done something worthwhile with my life.
It is hard to comprehend that it is up to
you and
me to do something.
It is encouraging that a small discussion started on Facebook about the environment. It was people talking to people. Perhaps there will be more discussion, more people saying something. Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing if all those fantastic communicators that I know would start using their incredible communications skills to make people more aware. Perhaps they would explain some of the issues, or propose things we can do anything would be better than silence. Imagine lots of ordinary people focusing on our children's future and how we can ensure it. What do you say, guys?
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp