A wonderful thing is happening. My artist
Tony Karp is in the flow big time. He's writing, creating art and posting.
Check out his Kodachrome memories an exhibit he posted as a tribute to Kodachrome a film that will no longer be made.
We passed this lily on one of our walks. It looks as though the light were coming from within it. See if you see the same thing that I do.
Tony was just saying today that he makes lots of images, and sometimes they yield nothing but sometimes there is a result like this. I am jumping the gun so to speak because I think he is still working on this series but this one is a WOW for me.
In the end art is a matter of taste or preference. I tend to like art when it catches my eye, makes me take a second look, causes me to think or perhaps wonder what is that, how was it made. In some way or other the art has to touch me.
Selling Tony's art is not easy, it's beautiful, people are taken by it, but they seem to hesitate. I often wonder why. I know they like the picture, but is the hesitation because there's no authority telling them it's okay, or worse yet because it doesn't fit with the décor. The business of the décor really makes me nuts. Everyone who looks at the images in our downstairs powder room tells me how beautiful the pictures are. In this instance the art makes the room. Is it really that everyone wants sameness, never wants their senses challenged unless someone they perceive as an authority tells them that it is okay. Is that what the world is coming to. Gosh I certainly hope not.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp