This image is still a work in progress. It is a small piece of a panorama (Tony sometimes knits images together to enhance the perspective). If you move back from the screen you can see my outline in the right side of picture.
I was very taken by this image. Tony has removed information. In this case much of the removal was related to the colors. This is actually a picture of me walking near the stream at the end our the road we live on. It was broad daylight. It is an interesting transformation. Stay tuned and see what else Tony does with this image. Only a 21st century artist's muse could show her artist's work as it evolves.
Musings of a muse
I've created another CV for Tony and I am about to send it out to a number of galleries in and around DC and Maryland.
Tony is busy redesigning the
Techno-Impressionist Museum site and I am working on the brick and mortar version. We're upgrading the artist's studio/gallery and making it into the physical
Techno-Impressionist Museum.
We keep asking where is the
Good News. I've tuned out the world and try to focus my energy on making
Tony Karp a famous artist.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp