About this image The Sunday before we invaded Iraq, Tony and I organized a peace vigil in a small park in Forest Hills Queens. We were amazed that more than 100 people showed up. The three people in this picture understood as do I that as a human being you must be grounded in "thinkin about tomorrow".
The Musing of a muse As I read the papers this morning I became enraged. (This happens quite often and sometimes I feel it is better to bury my head in the sand.) But I can't stop "thinkin about tomorrow".
My darling granddaughter came over for dinner last night to celebrate the holidays. It was a joyous occasion and it is a memory that Tony and I will cherish forever. My hope is that one day she will read this blog and perhaps understand a little bit more about her grandmother.
All my activism is grounded in the world that we are creating (or destroying) that belongs to future generations.
But today's rant is about the
Timeline for getting our troops out of harm's way. The dam politicians talk about this like it was a project plan created in MS Project. Everyday that we delay protecting our troops more of them get killed. We are talking about people's lives and the lives of their families and
their children.
I was one of those 4% of people from MoveOn who voted to accept what the democrats were proposing. At the time I felt it more important to show some progress, to have something to look back on, some thing that we had influenced. And I still feel that way.
It helped frame the conversation and now I can read things like the democrats have a 12 month timeline and the republicans have an 18 month timeline. People need to hear clear short messages about what is happening. I think we are forcing the politicians to take a stand. Everything is a little clearer and people like me are better able to respond and work toward a better outcome.
Now I am ready for the next step. We had to crawl before we could walk. As I heard one lady on Air American say, "we have to be practical".
So here goes. I say to all the politicians
Dam you all. Get the troops out of harms way
Now. I think it is time for all of us to stop being polite. It is time to start demanding. I for one am going to do everything I can to ensure that those who do not demand immediate action to protect our troops get voted out of office.
I do a lot of volunteer work these days. I see what goes on. Everything moves at a snails pace because everyone wants to be able to say they support whatever the effort is, but almost nobody does anything. When you try to get something done, they give you the classic "you are moving to fast".
Well look out boys, I'm going to start moving and fast. It is time to get things done. I am a pro at that. It is how I have taken impossible projects that were late and over budget and made them happen.
I urge, plead and beg anyone who reads this post and who wants to protect our soldiers to get involved. Make sure your voice is heard.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp