About this image The reality I grew up and lived in for many, many years is fading fast. This image reflects exactly how I feel.
Musings of a muse It is a misnomer to call this a musing. I am talking about the quality of my life and yours and perhaps our very existence. I can hear the train coming, but you insist that you hear nothing and that it is perfectly okay to stand here in the middle of the tracks.
Tony and I talk about what is happening all the time and we blog about it.
Tony's writing is much more elegant than mine. He presents a very logical argument, I am much more emotional. But we are both desperately trying to get you to pay attention and to make sure your voice is heard.
A recurring theme of mine is that nothing we are doing to stop the Bushies is working. People are still dying in Iraq, everyone is saying the surge is NOT WORKING and yet it goes on. Iraq has become a problem that cannot be fixed.
The corruption is the government is so vast it is almost beyond comprehension. Dominion Power is going the rape the beautiful countryside here in Virginia, use eminent domain to take people's land, and probably make us sick. It was an issue we could have fought at the state level where we had a chance, but now it is a federal issue. We have almost no recourse.
This is all very bleak and Tony said to me "should we just give up". My answer is a resounding NO!!! We have to change the rules of the game. We have to look at the problem differently. At the core our democracy is that we never gave up no matter what was happening. George Washington faced incredibly bad odds and yet he won against a far more powerful opponent. He never gave up.
And so I am not going to give up either. On Mother's Day (I try to ignore this day, it is very painful for me) I am going into DC and visit our forefathers and read their words and find strength and inspiration.
I am going to turn this problem around, upside down, sideways and backwards and maybe I will see a different path. I know for sure that we have to stop playing their game. We know their game, one party rule, all the power and money in the hands of a few, control the population, destroy anybody who dares to disagree. Remember there is nothing they won't do. They have no compassion, they have no humanity.
The first step in solving a problem is to understand the problem.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp