About this image
If we are leaving our house this image is at the end of the road, if we are coming home it's at the beginning. Sometimes the tree is filled with vultures. There is a community of them that live around here. They all sleep in a stand of trees down the road from us. Tony has crafted this image so your eye will be drawn to the sunset. He calls this technique
Spatial Rendering. Sounds very artistic. We used our buzz word generator to come up with this name. When all is said and done it's an interesting picture, one you can spend some time exploring.
Musings of a muse For me it is the best of times and the worst of times. My efforts to make Tony well known here in Prince William County are paying off. We are beginning to know all the right people. Our business is doing okay. For a while it was very, very, quiet.
We are still in love with where we live and with each other. It is nice to stay that after all these years.
Happy Anniversary Best Friend!!!
But my heart is heavy. My friend is fading. I will be with her on Wednesday. I hope to help her focus on what a lovely human being she is. I have always found her so interesting. She is so different from any of the other women I know. She is unique, she is special. And she is so brave. I really admire and love her.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp