I love these images. Just some ordinary bananas turned into something extraordinary. Brilliant Techno-Impressionist still lifes by Tony Karp.
Suffice it to say the world is in an uproar. There are so many different things happening on so many levels that it would take pages and pages and I would be barely scratching the surface. The way we live and the future we envisioned perhaps just a few months ago will be very different. It feels very chaotic. In parts of the world people are putting their lives on the line for freedom and democracy. I often feel America is going in the opposite direction.
I can't even imagine the kind of technology you will be using, my darling great grandchildren. But I'd like to comment on what I am experiencing right now. Your great grandpa Tony and I made our living from technology. We love to incorporate it into our lives. Great Grandpa Tony's art is based on his awesome ability to combine his art and his understanding of technology.
With the help and encouragement from our son we play with some of the current ways of communicating. One of my responsibilities as a 21st century artist's muse is to use technology to publicize
Tony Karp's art. I use Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and LinkedIn. This post will be published here on this blog and then I'll share it on Tumblr and Tumblr will share it on Twitter and Facebook and one of those will post it to LinkedIn as well. If I was really good each of those would be a unique audience but in reality it is many of the same people.
This blog is now my channel, the one place where you can come and see all my rants. The other distribution methods are more like shouting into the wind. This all is neither good nor bad, it just is. I am sort of an
order junkie. When things are neat and organized it makes me feel better. And so I am going to stick with this blog from now on.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp