Here's a quote from an article that asks if the internet is making us smarter. "We are now witnessing the rapid stress of older institutions accompanied by the slow and fitful development of cultural alternatives."
Along comes Tony Karp architect of a computer system that ran the show that brought the bill of rights to all 50 states during the year of its 200th anniversary. An award winning photographer that proudly displays his Art Director's Award and has his full page photo that appeared in the New York Times in a box of past accomplishments. The journalist who wrote for photography magazines. A person who never stops learning and evolving. The artist Tony Karp.
Tony has always pushed the envelope. His art that is written about here and on display at the
Techno-Impressionism is filled with images that push the limits and result in art that is not like anything you've seen before. Each image holds you eye, demands that you look closer, floods your brain with questions, makes you think.
You are watching the development of a cultural alternative. And yes, like the man said, it is sometimes slow and fitful. But Tony and his muse will keep going.
Tony uses the Internet to display his art to people all over the world. Tony uses digital media to show different ways that art can be displayed via a browser. Art should be displayed where everyone can enjoy it and not limited to brick and mortar art galleries and museums.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp