About this image
A reviewer once referred to Tony as the
Pixel Poet. That was a real complement to liken Tony's art to poetry. And if his art is made of pixels each image forms a poem without words. I know the buzz word generator is working over time.
Tony has been spending time really getting into his cameras and talking about raw versus jpeg format on his blog
Art and the Zen of DesignIt is having an interesting effect on his recent images. They are more and more impressions of what he is seeing. More subtle. In this image you feel how magnificent these huge birds are that soar on the air currents over the fields that surround our house.
Tony was right to name what he does
Techno-Impressionism. It's made of pixels and hence the techno and he removes information and hence the impression.
And now we have an
art critic that has reviewed it. People say but Tony you have no style and that is true. What he has instead is
Techno-ImpressionismMusings of a muse
When I first started out as Tony's muse it was just something to do. He had been asking me to focus on marketing his art for a long time but I sort of ignored what he was saying. But Tony has a way of getting me to do what he wants. He does it by having incredible patience. And so he started teaching me about publishing and how to create a web page and how to use Illustrator and Paint Shop Pro and some of his other tools. And so I have become a fairly high-tech muse. I must say it is interesting and really lots of fun.
Thank you darling artist. And BRAVO
Tony Karp - Techno-Impressionist. It says in print that it is an art movement.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp