About this image
Tony calls this picture
Fear. It is a picture of a statue from a museum we visited. One of the things I see when I look at this image is that it is disappearing or maybe it is drowning in its own fear.
Musing of a muse
It is September 11, 2007. There is still a big hole in ground in New York. This is not an abstract thing for me because I worked on Wall Street for many years, and passed through the World Trade Center on my way to work. I was in the city that day.
My message to you is don't be afraid, that is exactly what they are after. They want to control us by making us feel afraid. There isn't a drop of truth in most of what you hear these days. It is all geared to making you feel afraid. Don't get out your bubble wrap and duct tape. Don’t be afraid to speak out. Don't be afraid to stand up for your rights. AND don't listen to or watch the Osama tape. It is all part of the program to make you afraid. Don't post it, don't pass it around, just ignore it.
It is easy for me to not be afraid, I never have been. It is even easier now that I am old because I have had a wonderful life. I want my granddaughter to have a better life than I had. It is why us "old" people who remember a free, brave and caring America should stand up and show that
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp