About this image
Tony, like many artists, makes images from the things he sees around him. This image is the water in our pool. When he sees or hears me get into the pool he gets his camera and I make waves for him. Depending on the time of day and time of year the water is full of different reflections. This images was taken in the fall while the sun is setting.
Tony just got a new camera, one with a wide angle lens and a very long zoom. It's having the desired affect - it's changing the way he works. He is blogging about it on
Art and the Zen of Design. Take a look. It makes for interesting reading.
Musings of a muse
If you read through this blog you will find many posts where I ranted and raved and said get involved. Well they have worn me out. I have had enough. I am getting off the train.
I'm so disgusted that I don't think I am going to vote. People are shocked. "How could you" they say. "It is not the answer" they tell me. Well I have done more than most. I marched, held vigils, called, emailed, signed petitions, testified, donated money and on an on. We are still playing their game and I have decided I ain't playing any more.
I don't know what the answer is but I know what I was doing had no effect. They played me for a fool but guess what. The fool is now fully awake.
It is going to hit home here in Virginia. They have declared northern Virginia part of the national energy corridor. That means they can build their high voltage transmission lines wherever they want, force people to sell them their property and the environment be dammed.
We are leaderless. We have a bunch of politicians that are tied to big business and who only care about the moment. The future, the children mean nothing. Money and power rules. They always have but never so blatantly and at such a high cost to the citizens of USTA (Used to be America).
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp