Musings of a Muse
"You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
And latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between"
The future is uncertain but we should not lose site of the fact that have some control over the what happens. In fact, we have lots of control. Look what happened in Mexico City. The people, by their actions were able to turn the sky blue. Yes it was in response to the swine flu, but it shows the possibilities. It shows what people can do, it’s proof positive of our influence.
We've an enormous task in front of us. There's lots of rethinking to be done, many changes in our daily lives. Stop and consider what you can do. You will be amazed at how many small things you can do to make a difference. Change does not come easy and it is much easier if you are in a positive frame of mind.
We have to believe that we can make the future bright. We'll need a huge amount of positive energy, positive thought, positive action.
I am shocked, aghast, dismayed by all the negativity. By the constant criticism, of the progress that is being made toward fixing the economy, addressing climate change, health care, the wars. Nobody is saying here is a better idea they are just spouting negative thoughts. As the saying goes, "that way lies madness".
Now more than ever we have to be
POSITIVE, to believe in our selves, to believe in our President. We need to keep our thinking caps on, to say
what can I do to help, knowing you have influence over the outcomes.
The list of what an ordinary person can do it endless. How about taking responsibility for your own health. You can't take a magic pill in order to be healthy. The pharmaceutical companies want to make us all drug addicts so they can sell more drugs. Those of us lucky enough to be healthy need to ensure we stay that way. You know the drill, eat good food, exercise, etc.
Be kind to the environment. Conserve energy, stop using chemicals to clean, and on your lawn. This is one of the ways you can effect climate change.
Ignore all the negative things you hear. TURN OFF THE TV. Believe in the future and our ability to make it a good one.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp