About this image This image is pure
Patternism We define this technique as the combining of sub-patterns that are taken together to create an image. When viewing a work done in the Patternism style it is necessary to first take a very close look at the image to see the sub-patterns which themselves are made out of colors. The groups of colors form the sub-patterns.
There are many colors in this image and therefore many sub-patterns that combine to make the whole. Perhaps you can see a mouth, and a nose and maybe a chin. Whether near of far you can tell it is an image of a shape that you recognize.
Now move back from the screen and you will see that you are looking at a face. The face is actually a statue in a museum probably somewhere in Europe.
Tony Karp has many styles and Patternism is just one of them. What makes Techno-Impressionism so interesting is that it covers a wide range and technology truly is an enabler.
Musings of a muse I was reading an article about my senator, Jim Webb in the June 2007 issue of GQ (That's Gentleman's Quarterly). The article spans four pages in the hardcopy edition. On the right side there was something that looked like Patternism. The patterns changed on each page until what you were looking at was a real bottle of beer.
One difference between the ad and the image you are looking at, is that Tony does the whole transition in one image. Tony arrives at an impression of the face. They end up with just another bottle of beer. I am excited to see that the Techno-Impressionist like styles are being used.
Here is more about the
origins of Techno-Impression. Tony first published this in 1995. When he first started Techno-Impression he presented it as humor. After all who would take him seriously.
Twelve years later he has been accepted as an artist and his work has been used on web pages all over the world.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp