You are looking at an image of a statue taken in a museum in Rome. This is an example of what Tony calls
Patternism. View the picture close-up and then move back. It is made up of sub-patterns that taken together make the image.
Picasso meets Frank Lloyd Wright
We are in the flow and it feels really good. The ideas are coming fast and furious. I have been told that I really inspired the artist yesterday. Music to the ears' of an artmuse.
We are naming the exhibit in the gallery in the dining room
Patternism and there will be a new exhibit at the
Techno-Impressionist Museum called
Patternism. This exhibit will be presented in a new format so stay tuned. I'll let you know when it is published.
You are watching an artist and an art movement evolve before your eyes.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp