Tony has titled this one
Grandfather and his granddaughter. The roses were stunning in the fall this year. We were wandering around Warrenton when Tony spied these. You want to reach out and touch it.
Tony often talks about how wonderful it is to have nature before your eyes rather than the bricks and mortar and cement of New York. He did some amazing things with the buildings and statues in the museums but they were all cold and hard and forever still.
Now he is surrounded by an ever evolving landscape. Changed by the seasons, the creatures that come and go in our back field, where and when the sun and moon are rising and setting. It fills him and me with joy and delight.
A simple walk takes us over the rolling hills of Virginia and past fields filled with hay bales and beautiful horses in all manner of shapes and sizes. It has taken a long time but we're finally able to see how different they are. Some will even look up when we call and if we're lucky will stop pose for Tony.
It's truly living in heaven. For Tony it represents a vast array of scenes before his eyes and images that become part of the body of work he calls Techno-Impressionism.
Read his
about the artist and
visit his museum.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp