About this image One day we took a walk down Logmill Road. This is horse country. The road is a series of gently rolling hills. It isn't paved and gravel is hard on your feet. So we often walk the horse path next to the various horse farms.
As we walked we saw a horse at the end of the pasture and we always say "hello horsy". Instead of ignoring us and most of the other horses do this one came racing toward us. He really wanted to say hello. It is clear from looking at this image that this is a magical horse. Perhaps he is really a unicorn.
Musings of a muse These days it is easy to see why people may feel dizzy and disoriented by what is happening here in USTA (Used to be American). The scandals, the war, the environment, the food. It is mind boggling.
All the activism I participate in seems fruitless because the reality is that nothing has stopped the madness of the Bushies. I am beginning in the think what we need is something that might be referred to as the second American Revolution.
Tony has written and interesting piece on his new blog where he makes reference to the first American Revolution.
This is a very interesting post by Tony Karp.Congress is doing a great job. They are moving fast. I support them and I hope and pray that they are successful. I will do all I can to help them and you should too.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp