My heart is singing, I feel real hope, change is in the wind. My freedom as an American is coming back. There is tremendous movement. The old boy network is starting to crack and break up. With change there is always opportunity.
And now it is time for the art world to change. Art can be uplifting, challenging to the mind, eye candy, and can touch your emotions. I’ll never forget the feeling of standing at the Toulouse Lautrec museum in Albi, surrounded by his posters, or crying as I looked at Van Gogh's "Shoes." The man touches me through his work.
It's time for art to be available to anyone, anywhere in the world at any time. It's time for art to be pushing the envelope, not by disgusting you but my challenging you to think, to consider, or just to enjoy looking at something really beautiful.
Tony Karp exemplifies this change here at the
Techno-Impressionist Museum. I'm no Philippe de Montebello (I can still hear the voice of this incredible Metropolitan Museum of Art director exhibit tours). But I try to make Tony Karp's art more enjoyable by explaining it.
Tony has shown that artist's can have
All of this for everyone to see anywhere, anytime. Time to break the art thought police's hold. They give only a few select artists exposure based on who knows what? Time for every artist to use technology to show their art whenever they want to.
Tony Karp is leading the way.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp