Well my darling best friend here we are celebrating a milestone that is quite extraordinary on several levels. We've been married for 40 years and we're celebrating the completion your latest artwork entitled:
Techno-Impressionism Art and Technology. It is an extraordinary book filled with interesting ways of displaying your art and some wonderful writing.
This is indicative of what life is like being married to you and also being your artist's muse. It's interesting to put it mildly. It's stimulating, engaging, and one might even call it mind bending. I've always been attracted to things that are unusual and different. That is why I was and still am attracted to you.
How can I thank you for all these years of doing, seeing, experiencing so many interesting and wonderful things. Today I'm remembering our honeymoon in London and Paris and meeting Prince Philip.
That early evening in Paris when we rounded the corner and saw the Eiffel Tower for the first time or being in the Musee D'Orsay in front of all those Renoirs. I still get a chill when I think of that moment and seeing all that incredible art.
You were my knight in shinning amour as we fought to get our house back after the oil burner exploded. We'd lost everything, our clothes, furniture, books and perhaps the house. You were awesome as we battled the insurance company. You gave me strength and courage and so much love. You do that for me everyday.
I'm watching with great anticipation as you embark on your latest adventure where you are beginning to draw on your Slate tablet and take Techno-Impressionism down a new path. Once again you are showing the seamless integration of art and technology.
I love you because you are so brilliant, so silly, so sweet, so tender, so interesting. I'll be at your side always. When you are famous our love will make a great back story.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp