About this image
This is what you see when you walk down Little River Road. It's the road we live on. It is summer and actually everything is green. Lots and lots of green. So Tony made it look like another world. It certainly is an interesting image. I love the sepia tones, they bring out the serenity of the scene.
When we walk down this road which turns to gravel and ends to two streams we feel like we have taken a tranquilizer. It is very quiet and when you get to the end sometimes the only sound you hear are the streams flowing.
Musing of a muse
For the past few days I have reading some horrendous stories about Africa, India , England and USTA (Used to be America) Stories where these countries and the world has just turned its back and thousands of people have died and the ones who are still alive live in unbelievable conditions.
It is just hard for me to believe that this is what the world is really like.
In our personal lives Tony and I work very hard at keeping this in working order. That goes for our stuff and for things like our health insurance. We just pursue the issues until they get resolved. The longest battle to get something resolved was when the oil burner exploded in our old house in Queens. It took us 11 months to get back home. It was a tremendous amount of work but in the end we were able to fix that lovely old house, sell if for a lot of money and buy our little piece of heaven here on Little River Road.
I guess my point is I am dismayed at how people don't either know what is happening or if they do they just do nothing. I thought people and especially Americans were better than that. I thought we were more like our ancestors who fought for what they believed in and that is how I came to grow up and prosper in this country. Everyone I talk to and all the things I read says Americans are feed up and yet we very little to change things. It is a sad state of affairs.
You can buy the images on-line at the
Techno-Impressionist Museum Annex. We have hundreds of images. This one is brand new and is not on any of our other sites. It will be a conversation piece no matter where you put it.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp