This is a picture of the Hobbit walking down one of country roads near our home/studio in Virginia. I often get ahead of Tony when we walk. He may have stopped to take a picture and I kept walking or it is one of those days when he feels like going slowly and I am cranked up and feel the need to go fast. Eventually I turn around and we walk together. It is a little bit like our relationship. Sometimes we are on the same page and sometimes we are not. We have been together for a long time and we are on the same page most of the time now. It is a wonderful thing that happens when you spend your life with your best friend.
Today we were discussing blogs and journals. Tony says this is a journal and not a blog and he is right.
However, I see it as a communications channel, a very special and powerful one.
How else could an artist's muse communicate with people around the world?
How else could an artist's muse provide an explanation of her artist's work as you view it?
How else could she seem to be standing beside you talking about the work and art?
Sometimes we are so hung up on labeling and categorizing we lose focus.
Perhaps, many decades from now, someone will write about what is was like to be a muse in the twenty first century and reference these musings of a muse.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp