Once again the green thumb has prevailed. Against all odds this flower grew in the backyard. At one point the gutters were leaking and I thought all the bulbs had drowned. It was such a pleasant surprise to see these lovely flowers blossom one day.
Tony of course had a different view of these flowers. The result of his effort to show you what his mind's eye saw is Van Gogh like. He is one of his favorite artists. Mine too.
Here's what really on my mind. Each of us to be responsible for our own health. We are the key to preventative medicine. We all know the drill. Eat healthy food, exercise, question why you should take a drug if you have no symptoms. Research the drugs they want you to take. Be knowledgeable.
If each of us does this it will go a long way toward fixing health care. We can no longer believe that we don't have to do anything because there is some pill that will make it all better. If you just take the drugs and don't help yourself you are like a drug addict. Of course there are people with real conditions that truly need medicine. I am not talking about them.
I'm as guilty of not taking care of myself as anyone. But lately I have taken responsibility for my health and with support from my doctors I'm reducing the pains and aches and walking 7 or 8 miles has become easy. It feels good.
It really is common sense. It is was what people used to do when doctors were very far away and medicine manufactured by a drug company was a rare thing. And if they got hurt or sick they used home remedies.
Take care of yourself it really is the answer.
Copyright 1957-2019 Tony & Marilyn Karp